
Find out how to join IC for Models Paris, One of the top schools for training in Luxury, Fashion, Beauty and Arts. We look forward to guide you on your journey to excellence.

Professional and high-end

A private higher education institution based in Paris since 2016, INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE FOR MODELS offers post-baccalaureate programs in the domains of Art, culture, beauty and luxury while retaining its original DNA linked to the concept of the “MODEL”. The first school founded by experts in the fields of modeling, fashion, high jewelry, beauty industry and Art. The concept of the Model takes up the notions of the “beautiful person” in the broadest sense, who wishes to make a career in the luxury, fashion and arts sectors.

Character trait, physical personality behavior, attitude speaking empathy politeness knowing how to be knowing how to live portfolio photo etc........ These are just some of the elements required by the major brands (DIOR, CHANEL, L'OREAL, HERMES, etc...) to complement their business or design training when recruiting new staff.

IC FOR MODELS is fully aware of the need to support young people in their school careers. We are all models for a brand. IC FOR MODELS enables every young person to find their way as a “model” in the fullest sense of the word. Our institution also offers a range of short, personalized training courses tailored to the needs of “model students” based in Paris (tutoring, college counselling).

 Our vision

To become an expert at the highest level in the luxury, arts, beauty, fashion and cultural sectors, to do everything in one's power to become a “beautiful person” and to better meet the recruitment requirements of the major luxury, arts and cultural brands.


A word from the Director

I created this school to meet a real need among professionals in the world of luxury, arts and fashion. My career as a professional model enabled me to understand the difficulties encountered by all young girls and boys enrolled in agencies and wishing to pursue higher education.

I was spotted by the ELITE agency, on the street, as a “new face”. Passionate about fashion, luxury and all that, I agreed to take part in the 1999 ELITE MODEL LOOK competition in Nice. As the winner of this competition, proposals from magazines and fashion shows began to pour in... and so did the first problems.

Aside from the strict regimen required of every professional model, it was very difficult, if not impossible, to keep up with my schooling: traveling the world literally prevented me from fulfilling my academic commitments. I decided to give up modeling to study marketing and business development. From that moment on, I realized that having been “modeled” for several years had enabled me to be a “beautiful person” in the noble sense of the word, with skills in savoir vivre , savoir être , make-up, clothing, etc.... So, in 2016, I created an establishment enabling young boys and girls to pursue higher education in arts, culture and luxury management, while at the same time learning the keys to savoir vivre, personal shopping, make-up, image consulting, fashion dressing, perfume creation, lunch protocols, cooking workshops, conversation skills, etc.

photo mode

In a professional context, good manners are sufficiently rare that the person who applies them is immediately and positively noticed. While good manners may not prevent all conflicts within a company, they can nevertheless diplomatically ease tensions, get the dialogue moving in the right direction, and prove particularly useful on a day-to-day basis.

IC FOR MODELS uses recommendations and simple solutions to teach you how to make a good first impression and how to conduct yourself in business. These practical tips will help you to behave well and avoid making mistakes.

International College For Models is the only school to offer training in the dual skills of business know-how and corporate know-how.

Living and being are the key to success.
Live from your passion and enjoy your future.



Excellent training and personalized support

IC for Models offers our students privileged teaching conditions adapted to their individual needs. Our immersion class program, the active preparation for university orientation in France at the IC FOR MODELS Campus in Paris our commitment to the success of each and every one of our students is reflected in our counseling programs, as well as in the personal support we give each student in his or her daily work.

An international framework: priority given to perfect command of languages

The cultural and linguistic diversity of our teams and international students will be an asset for every student. Our active pedagogy is based on language teaching in groups of varying levels. In addition, all our teachers are native speakers with teaching qualifications. After completing a full course in Luxury Marketing in Paris, experience has shown that our students have a perfect command of English.

A fulfilling environment and cultural openness

More than a school, IC for Models is a community in which we want every student and every family to find their place while living their dream. Workshops in photography, video, oenology, perfume creation, make-up, etc. are offered throughout the course.

Above and beyond the search for skills and excellence, all the major luxury brands recruit “beautiful people”, capable of upholding the values of their products.

To meet these expectations, the IC for Models campus offers post-baccalaureate training courses in the fields of culture, fashion and beauty, luxury and the arts.