Bachelor 1st and 2nd year
Within your first year at the IC FOR MODELS' Campus in Paris, you'll acquire management expertise, discover the world of luxury through practical courses in the form of workshops. You will experience OUTSIDE CLASSES, explore theoretical courses, but above all, come upon specific workshops to understand and evolve in this industry. Courses can be taken on an initial or as ''Alternance'' basis

Useful links
Start dates: September 2024 and February 2025
Entry level for 1st year: BAC Minimum
Application form and individual interviews
Apprenticeship contract via partner CFA
Initial training 7850 € per year (grants and scholarships provided by the school)
Degrees to Apply Within the Sectors Art & Culture
Develop and implement a company's marketing and sales strategy.
Manage a marketing and sales department
Manage a sales team
Develop and implement marketing communications
Understand the luxury, fashion & beauty industry
List of contents IC FOR MODELS
1st year & 2nd year (600h)
Subject 1: Geopolitics of luxury (50h)
1: Introduction to the Geopolitics of Luxury - Definition of luxury and its evolution
Introduction to geopolitics and its key concepts - Importance of geopolitics in the luxury industry
the luxury industry
2: History of Luxury and Geopolitics - Historical evolution of luxury and its link to geopolitics geopolitics - Major historical powers and their influence on luxury - Case study case study: the impact of geopolitics on iconic luxury brands
3: Contemporary geopolitics and the luxury market - Key geopolitical players in the luxury industry today - Analysis of geopolitical trends influencing the luxury market - Impact of conflicts, international sanctions and alliances on luxury brands
Luxury and Soft Power – Concept of soft power and its role in the promotion of luxury –
Soft power strategies of luxury brands and their effectiveness – Cultural influence,
diplomacy and economics of luxury brands
5: Geopolitics of international luxury trade - Trade barriers and agreements trade agreements and their impact on luxury - Geopolitical issues related to the production, distribution and sale of luxury goods - International expansion strategies of luxury luxury brands and their geopolitical implications
6: Geopolitics and Sustainability in the Luxury Industry - Current trends in luxury sustainability sustainability in luxury - Ecological and social initiatives by luxury brands and their geopolitical impact - Challenges and opportunities related to sustainability in a geopolitical context
7: Luxury Geopolitics and Innovation - The importance of innovation in the luxury industry - Influence of government policies, research and technology on innovation in luxury - Case study: Disruptive innovations and their impact on luxury geopolitics
8: Research project and presentation - Carry out a research project on a specific aspect of luxury geopolitics - Preparation and presentation of results to the class class - Discussion and debate on the geopolitical issues identified in the research projects Assessment methods: - In-class participation: 20% - Written work and projects: 40% - Research project presentation: 20% - Research project presentation: 20%. Presentation of research project: 20% - Final exam: 20%. References: - “Luxury: History, Culture, Consumption”, Ashok Som - “Global Luxury Trends: Innovative Strategies”, Ashok Som “Global Luxury Trends: Innovative Strategies for Emerging Markets”, Emmanuella Plakoyiannaki Plakoyiannaki - “The Power of Glamour: Longing and the Art of Visual Persuasion”, Virginia Postrel - Relevant academic articles and case studies
Subject 2: Business environment (50h)
1: Introduction to the Economic Environment - Basic concepts in economics - Understanding the global economic environment - Analysis of the main economic players and their interactions
2: Macroeconomics and Business - Key macroeconomic indicators and their impact on companies - Economic policies and their influence on the business environment - Business cycle analysis and economic forecasts for companies
3: Microeconomics and corporate decision-making - Basic concepts in microeconomics and their practical application - Consumer and corporate behavior in markets - Theory of the firm and corporate strategic decision-making 4: Competitive environment - Analysis of companies' competitive environment - Competitive strategies and market positioning - Case study : Analysis of competition in different business sectors 5: Globalization and business - Globalization trends and their implications for companies - Internationalization strategies and international risk management - Case study: Impact of globalization on companies' supply chains
6: Legal and Regulatory Environment - Legal and regulatory framework for business - Business ethics and corporate social responsibility - Case studies: Regulatory compliance and legal risk management for businesses
7: Technological Environment and Innovation - Impact of technology on companies' business models - Technological strategies and innovation in a changing economic environment - Case study: Innovative companies and their market successes
8: Future economic environment - Emerging economic trends and their impact on companies - Preparation for the challenges and opportunities of the future economic environment - Projection of future economic trends and implications for companiesAssessment methods: - Written examinations: 40% - Individual and group work: 30% - Class participation: 15% - Case studies and applied projects: 15% References: “Business Economics”, David Besanko and Ronal Braeutigam - “Microeconomics”, Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld - “Macroeconomics”, Olivier Blanchard - Academic articles and specialized journals in economics and management. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld - “Macroeconomics”, Olivier Blanchard - Academic articles and specialized journals in economics and management. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld - “Macroeconomics”, Olivier Blanchard - Academic articles and specialized journals in economics and management. Translated with (free version)
Subject 3: Accounting (50h)
Subject 3: Accounting (50h)Subject 3: Accounting (50h) This course aims to introduce students to the fundamental principles of financial accounting. Students will learn how to record, classify, analyze and present a company's financial transactions in accordance with international accounting standards.
1. Introduction to accounting: - Basic accounting concepts - Importance of accounting in decision-making
2. The accounting cycle: - Double-entry principle - Recording current transactions: sales, purchases, cash flow
3. Financial statements: - Balance sheet - Income statement - Cash flow statement
4. Standard accounting operations: - Inventories and cost of sales - Receivables and payables inventory methods
5. Year-end operations: - Accounting adjustments - Closing the accounts
6. Financial analysis: - Financial ratios - Interpreting financial statements
7. International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): - Basic principles - Convergence of accounting standards Teaching methods: - Lectures - Case studies - Practical work on accounting software - Group work Assessment methods: - Written exams: 40% - Practical work: 30% - Class participation: 10% - Final project: 20% References: - “Principles of Accounting” Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso - “Financial Accounting, IFRS - 9th edition”, Walter G. Kell, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso - “Financial Accounting, IFRS - 9th edition”, Walter G. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso - “Financial Accounting, IFRS - 9th edition” Walter G. Kell, Donald E. Kieso, Paul D. Kimmel This syllabus is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in general accounting by covering the main concepts, tools and techniques needed to understand and practice financial accounting. Feel free to customize it to meet the specific needs of your course and your learners.
Subject 4: Management basics (50h)
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of management and develop their skills in decision-making, communication, leadership leadership and the management of people and resources.
1. Introduction to Management: - Definition of management - Evolution of management - Roles and responsibilities of the manager
2. Management functions: - Planning - Organization - Direction - Control
3. Leadership styles: - Autocratic leadership - Participative leadership - Transformational leadership
4. Management communication: - Interpersonal communication - Organizational communication Organizational communication - Role of communication in team management
5. Human Resources Management: - Personnel recruitment and selection - Employee training and development - Performance appraisal Employee training and development - Performance appraisal
6. Project Management: - Project planning - Risk management - Monitoring and evaluation
7. Quality Management: - Quality concepts - Continuous improvement tools - ISO certification ISO certification Teaching methods: - Lectures - Case studies - Role plays - Team work Evaluation methods: - Written exams: 40% - Individual and group work: 30% - Class participation: 10% - Final project: 20% References: - “Management - 13th edition”, Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter. - “Leadership - Theory and Practice - 8th Edition”, Peter G. Northhouse. - Academic and specialized management journals.
Subject 5: Prospecting and negotiation (50h)
The aim of this course is to introduce students to sales prospecting and and negotiation techniques in order to develop their sales and customer relations skills.
1. Commercial prospecting: - Definition of commercial prospecting - Prospecting methods (cold calling, emailing, networking, etc.) - Prospect qualification - Customer database management
2. Communication in prospecting: - Effective communication techniques - Handling objections - Creating and following up sales offers
3. Commercial Negotiation: - Negotiation process - Negotiation techniques
(win-win, BATNA, etc.) - Managing concessions - Closing the sale
(win-win, BATNA, etc.) - Concession management - Sales closing
4. Customer Relationship Management: - After-sales follow-up - Customer loyalty - Complaints management
5. Ethics and Deontology in Sales : - Respect for business ethics practices in prospecting and negotiation - Corporate social responsibility corporate social responsibility Teaching methods: - Lectures - Case studies - Role-playing - Negotiation simulations - Visits to companies or presentations by professionals. Negotiation simulations - Company visits or presentations by industry professionals professionals Assessment methods: - Written exams: 40% - Individual and group practical work group work: 30% - Class participation: 10% - Evaluation of negotiation simulations : 20% References: - “Negotiation Genius: How to Overcome Obstacles and Achieve Brilliant Results at the Bargaining Table and Beyond”, Deepak Malhotra, Max Bazerman. - SPIN Selling”, Neil Rackham. - Academic articles and specialized publications in sales and commercial negotiation.
Subject 6: Marketing research (50h)
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with key marketing concepts analysis tools and marketing strategies used in today's business current business environments 1. Introduction to marketing: - Definition of marketing - Evolution of marketing - Importance of marketing in organizations Importance of marketing in organizations
2. Consumer behavior: - Purchase decision process - Factors influencing consumer behavior influencing consumer behavior - Segmentation, targeting and positioning
3. Marketing mix (4P): - Product : Product development strategies, branding - Price: Pricing strategies, pricing - Promotion: Marketing communication, advertising, sales promotion - Distribution: Distribution channels, logistics
4. Digital Marketing: - Online marketing strategies - Social networks and influencer marketing - Data analysis and predictive marketing
5. Market Research: - Marketing research methods - Data collection and analysis - Interpretation of results
6. International Marketing: - Adapting marketing strategies to the international level - Intercultural marketing - Challenges and opportunities of global marketing Teaching methods: - Lectures - Case studies - Group projects - Practical work - Use of marketing tools. Practical work - Use of specific marketing tools and software Assessment methods: - Written exams: 40% - Individual and group projects: 30% - Class participation: 10% - Case studies: 30% - Practical work: 30% - Assessment of performance: 10%. Class participation: 10% - Case studies: 20%. References: - “Principles of Marketing - 18th Edition”, Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. - “Marketing Management - 15th Edition”, Kevin Lane Keller, Philip Kotler. - Academic Academic articles and specialized marketing journals.
Subject 7: Commercial law (50h)
The aim of this course is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the legal principles governing commercial transactions and operations, as well as the responsibilities and obligations of those involved in the business world. as well as the responsibilities and obligations of business players. business world.
1. Introduction to commercial law: - Definition of commercial law General principles of commercial law - Sources of commercial law 2. Players in commercial law: - Commercial enterprises - Traders and commercial companies - Traders' responsibilities and obligations
3. Commercial contracts: - Formation of commercial contracts - Content of commercial contracts commercial contracts - Performance and breach of commercial contracts
4. Company law: - Types of commercial companies - Incorporation and operation of companies Responsibilities of shareholders and directors
5. Competition and Consumer Law: - Combating anti-competitive practices Consumer protection - Market regulation
6. International Commercial Law: - International trade rules and conventions - International arbitration - Cross-border commercial disputes Teaching methods: - Lectures - Case studies - Analysis of legal documents analysis - Debates and discussions - Visits and presentations by experts in experts Class participation: 10% - Case studies: 20%. References: - “Droit des affaires” - Henri Hovasse, Véronique Magnier - “Droit Nathalie Daud - Codes and legal texts relevant to commercial law commercial law
Subject 8: Communication (50h)
This course aims to provide students with a thorough understanding of communication theories, interpersonal and group communication processes, and effective communication techniques in a variety of professional contexts.
1. Introduction to Communication: - Definition and key concepts of communication - Models of communication - Importance of communication in organizations
2. Interpersonal communication: - Barriers to communication - Communication styles Active listening and feedback
3. Group Communication: - Group dynamics and communication - Group decision-making - Conflict resolution
4. Organizational Communication: - Upward, downward and horizontal communication - Intercultural communication - Managing communication in the workplace professional environment
5. Digital Communication: - Online and offline communication - Social media and digital marketing - Ethics in online communication
6. Communication skills: - Public speaking - Professional writing - Visual and non-verbal communication Teaching methods: - Presentations - Case studies - Group work - Practical exercises - Simulation of communication situations Assessment methods: - Exams written: 40% - Practical work: 30% - Oral presentations: 10% - Class participation: 20% References: - The basics of communication - Marianne Dumas - “Communication and organization” - Françoise Bernard - Academic articles and specialist journals in communication.
Subject 9: International Business (50h)
The International Business course examines global business operations and the interactions between business entities located in different countries.
1. Introduction to International Business - Basic concepts internationalization for companies - Theories of international trade
2. Global Business Environment - Global market analysis - Global economic systems economic systems - Cultural and political and political factors
3. International Strategy - Choosing foreign market entry - International marketing strategies - Global strategic alliances and acquisitions
4. International Operations Management - Global supply chain management - International human resources management International human resources management - International risk and crisis management
5. International Finance - International financial markets - Foreign exchange risk management International financial flows
6. Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in an International Context - Ethical issues specific to international companies Ethical issues specific to international companies - Sustainability and corporate social responsibility on a global scale
7. Case studies and projects - Analysis of real-life cases from international companies on a relevant International Business topic

Languages, Etiquette and Protocol
- Business English
- LV2
- Knowing how to be
- Personal Branding CV Linkedin &
- Letter of motivation
Luxury Universe
- Micro / Macro Economics
- Commercial Law
- International Business Environment
- Optional
- 6-month Competency Development Internship for initiates
Workshops & Discovery tours
- Welcome Week
- Learning Expedition: Le Design & l’Art : Amsterdam (1 week)
Languages, Etiquette and Protocol
- Business English
- LV2
- Alternance Boost: Negotiation techniques
- The Art of Eloquence
Workshops & Discovery tours
- 3rd year: Luxury: New York
- Optional
- 6-month Competency Development Internship for initiates
- M 8 :Art history and market,
- M9: Heritage and conservatories, museums,
- M10 : Art objects and furniture,
- M11: Economic organization of the Art and Culture sector
- M8: Fine Jewelry and Gemology
- M9: Leather Goods and Haute Parfumerie
- M10: Luxury and Digital
- M11: Fashion and Haute Couture
- M8: Sociology of Fashion
- M9: Beauty and services
- M10 : Fashion culture
- M11: Green Beauty
- M8 : Design,
- M9: Architecture,
- M 10: Interior decoration
- M11: Ceramics
This workshop will help you find what's best for you. From famous fashion houses to major ready-to-wear boutiques, this workshop will show you how to position your style while remaining accessible to the major brands that will be recruiting you.
The workshop will give you the keys to finding the ideal outfit for an event, a lunch, building a practical and elegant wardrobe or “costume” wardrobe, or finding the latest design objects. Our workshop will help you discover the best addresses in Paris (vintage, new designers...). After a short personalized analysis, we'll suggest a shopping itinerary that's exactly what you're looking for.
A hands-on workshop dedicated to the discovery of French and international beauty. Our professional make-up artists will highlight your face. You'll learn how to apply make-up, choosing the textures, colors and application techniques best suited to your skin.
For the boys, the workshop will focus more on simple and effective beauty techniques for both the short and long term.
This workshop will help you choose the right colors and, above all, the right techniques. Our instructors will analyze the cuts, lengths and materials of your garments, as well as the accessories you should choose, and give you professional advice and tips to make the most of your assets. You'll be given your own personal portfolio, just like a professional model.
An original but essential workshop for the creation of your “beautiful person”, the olfactory scheme is inseparable from your image. The two must combine, complement and affirm each other.
This workshop will introduce you to the different olfactory families and the secrets of scents, using professional pipettes and wipes. The expert will introduce participants to over twenty raw materials.
By the end of the workshop, top notes, middle notes and base notes no longer hold any secrets for our students. In addition to the theory, each student is given the opportunity to create his or her own formula and perfume, and to take home his or her own composition if it is approved by the expert.
Floral art transports you into an olfactory, aesthetic and magical universe. This workshop will enable you to create a bouquet or composition worthy of a great florist, combining expertise, technique and creativity. Several themes will be covered (round bouquet, graphic, romantic, multicolored, wild...).
At the start of each workshop, the florist creates the bouquet of the day, explaining and commenting on his or her work. It's then up to each participant to create his or her own arrangement, thanks to the teacher's invaluable advice. Each participant leaves with his or her own composition.
The aim of this workshop is to introduce you to some exceptional products such as caviar, lobster, .....
In addition, a wine tasting session was organized, with a reading of the concepts of clarity, color, bouquet, tannin, acidity, mellowness, brilliance, density, legs and effervescence.
Champagne will be in the spotlight, with a focus on the history of this precious beverage, fermentations, riddling, disgorging and liqueur de dosage.
You'll learn all about grape varieties, the terms blanc de blancs and blanc de noirs, the classification of grands crus, the notion of vintage, reserve wines and how to make rosé.
Etiquette, or the code of good manners, is the fruit of a culture and a history that evolve with the times.
It's a journey through tradition that teaches the rules of etiquette. How to introduce oneself, how to express oneself, how to thank, how to behave during a business lunch or a social cocktail.
A workshop with a focus, aimed at boys who want to achieve natural elegance in their daily lives, their professional lives or for special occasions.
From the rules of etiquette and good manners to the gallant attentions to women, this course is the passport to the perfect modern gentleman. It's an “uncluttered” workshop, subtle and contemporary, with no mannerisms. Practice makes perfect, and we'll put you through your paces on a variety of themes from everyday life to special events.
In a professional context, good manners are rare enough for the person who applies them to be immediately and positively noticed.
While good manners don't prevent all conflicts within the company, they do help to “iron out the kinks”, ease tensions and get the dialogue moving in the right direction, and are particularly useful on a day-to-day basis.
A brief history, followed by numerous tips on how to make a good first impression, and then business etiquette. All practical advice to help you behave well and avoid making mistakes.

Last but not least, this program includes 3 Learning Expeditions
2nd year: Luxury: Milan (1 week)
3rd year: Fashion: New York (2 weeks)
The advantages of the Bachelor LUXE
State-recognized level 6 qualification
Global management training with a luxury specialization
Courses taught by industry professionals. Workshops with prestigious Houses to perfect your understanding & expertise of the Luxury, Fashion & Beauty Industry.
Learn Italian as LV2, a prestigious language of art, fashion, beauty and luxury, in addition to English (optional class open subject to a sufficient number of students).
Work-study or initial training throughout the curriculum.
Training takes place over 400 hours per year, either on a sandwich course or as part of an initial training program, with internships for initial students:
2 months in 1st year
2 months in 2nd year
6 months in 3rd year
The course lasts 400 hours a year, either on a sandwich course or as an initial training course, with internships for initial training students:
Further studies
Job opportunities
Graduates of the Bachelor Luxe - Marketing and Sales Sales Manager can work both in France and abroad, in SMEs or multinationals. This qualification leads to the following professions in the luxury sector:Sales promotion manager Distribution network coordinator Customer advisor Department/category manager Marketing project manager Digital project manager
Fashion, haute couture, modeling, beauty, perfumes, jewelry, leather goods, high-end products, means of transport, hotels and gastronomy, the luxury field is rich and varied and opens up a wide range of possibilities to all learners who want to make their mark in it.
To be able to work in a luxury company, and beyond having the character traits and personality to convince, it is essential to master all the marketing and sales issues of the target brand, but also to understand and grasp the expectations of customers in the world of luxury.
How to become an expert in luxury marketing
Whether you want to become a model, work in the world of fashion and beauty, participate in the development of a major brand, and more generally make luxury your area of expertise, it's imperative to acquire the essential rudiments to navigate this universe and master the subtleties inherent in this business sector.
Choosing to follow a course of excellence at a school renowned for the quality of its teaching and its innovative approach to learning about luxury is the only way to anchor yourself in this approach and make a success of your professional project.
The International College For Models in Paris is an institute offering Bachelor's or BTS training in the various luxury fields of art, culture, fashion, beauty and design.
The recruitment requirements of the major brands are very high, and require a specialized education perfectly tailored to the expectations of the industry's professionals, as well as training in savoir-vivre and interpersonal skills, so as to be able to integrate naturally as a luxury marketing expert with the world's leading fashion designers, jewelers, modeling agencies, perfumers and all luxury companies in general.
That's why at our IC for Models institute in Paris, we support our learners to help them grasp all the codes of the luxury professions.
How do I get into the IC For Models luxury school in Paris?
The Bachelor's degrees we offer at our luxury professions training institute in Paris are accessible after the baccalauréat, giving you access to training up to bac+3 depending on your choice and direction.
When you join our fashion, beauty, art and culture school, you'll benefit from personalized support that puts your professional project at the heart of your career goals and personality.
Our teaching is entirely geared towards your success, providing you with all the notions that will lead to your employability with players in the luxury industry.
Simply contact the teaching team at IC for Models in Paris, and we'll invite you to submit your application, along with a few details about your motivations, so that we can consider your admission.
Depending on the places still available,IC for Models accept your application throughout the year.